Looking back on all of the blog posts, overall I have decided to keep going along with the use of contextualising the glitch aesthetic with contemporary debates in British politics. Three different styles of imagery will be used which I have outlined in my blog of a clip. These will includes a moving image reacting to sound, A still image and also a looping gif.
Myself and Liam Hall have been working in conjunction with one another with both of us having similar ideas about the glitch. He has been working more on the idea of the cyborg and soundscape within the glitch aesthetic though. Next semester we want to combine both of our ideas and theories to neatly execute a piece next year which combines the notion of the imagery of the glitch and also the sound. Overall our progression and experimentaion will drive us through next semester of a plan we will decide in January 2019. Collaboration, discussion and precision will be important for the completion of this project whilst evidencing media theorists like Mirzoeff, Baudrillard and many others. This semester to summarise has been ultimately about setting our sites on a media project that taps into our current debates surrounding our media landscape.
I’ve decided with Liam that we want to base our project on the glitch, Brexit and the cyborg, by creating a space where people are overwhelmed with the amount of imagery used and the disruption caused. I feel it is better to start with a lot of content and to cut down rather then to have an insufficient amount. So next semester we plan on finding a space within the university to showcase this entheogenic experience of how the the glitch in sound and imagery can be conveyed to provide this unique experience in an aim to overwhelm the audience with this media experience. By setting up a specific space which will make you realisation the mediation you have been trapped in and to think differently on your perception of politics and the media!