Project Development

With the progression of my project, I decided this week to actually try and test this glitch effect out on an image of David Cameron, to get a feel for how the aesthetic looks and how I could potentially develop this image and also another array of images regarding British political figures. As my speculative idea for a dystopian Brexit, making different types of images and also potentially really brief videos/gifs will cause also a disturbance in space where this will hopefully be displayed. Attached below is one of the images that I have been working on, again relating back to trial and error to see how I can perhaps take advantage and analyse the components of the image to create my desired effect. My peers and myself also presented our ideas and speculations to present how we want to head into next semester. The feedback I received from the group was generally positive with suggestions of the different avenues it could lead to, so fixating my research on this glitch may let me be able to achieve some nice outputs!

The actual making of the glitch was surprisingly easy and very simplistic to do, the simple manipulation of colour and layers really helps the image look much more advanced and altered than it actually is. I then started to apply this aesthetic in the form of a gif.

Again I wanted to mimic the gif as if it were a still image, however to then perform a subtle burst of how the image changes to show an example of the glitch. With these two examples I believe it will be important to showcase varieties of image formatting, to present this in a space which will hopefully add to the viewers sensation of adding the element  of uncertainty and also paranoia. Adding an element of surprise of the viewer thinking the the gif is a still image can really add some more character to the project as a whole. The splicing between rexit and the glitch has been the for front of my project so far however with the more I experimented with this idea, maybe the concepts from Donna Haraway and the cyborg could perhaps be really important to include. Making a correlation perhaps of how we can view our national MPS as these autonomous robots. One more example of how I envisioned this was show the politician beneath the skin as this robotics sovereign. The ruler of Brexit negotiations being non-human can offer a new dimension in the way we visualise our political space. The use of speculative fabulation coined by Donna Haraway can be perhaps another useful element to incorporate as providing a narrative might enhance the immersion of the imagery and space that I want to produce.

‘Cyborgs were never just about the interdigitations of humans and information machines; cyborgs were from the get-go the materialization of imploded (not hybridized) human beings-information machines-multispecies organisms.’ (Haraway, 2013)

Experimentation into the cyborg has been put into practice and although I’m focusing more on the idea of the glitch and disturbance with Brexit, another member of the group is creating a similar project to mine in regards to the idea of the glitch however his premise is more focused on the idea of sound and how the glitch interconnects with the cyborg. Next semester we were perhaps thinking ultimately on deciding a theme around the glitch to put to practice what we’ve been working on. There has been contact between us two and only thing we are debating is the theme we want to pursue and how we’re going to execute the project however we feel for what we have been speculating it would be worth to try and combine our ideas to see how the outcome could potentially look.


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